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The Delta Club Management System

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  • The Delta Club Management System

Working hours

  •  From Sunday to Thursday, from 8 AM to 5 PM.
  • Friday – Saturday: Off

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Service Features:

  • Flexibility in Information Technology Services
  • Excellent Team
  • Over 40 Years of Experience

Delta Club Management System

The Best Club Management System in the Arab World, featuring 4 distinct subsystems as follows:

  1. Membership System: Provides the following capabilities:

    • Coding all basic data.
    • Club data.
    • Fee and activity codes.
    • Fee and activity prices.
    • Membership types.
  2. Fee Calculation:

    • Calculates subscription fees based on:
      • Family members.
      • Wives/dependents.
      • Calculates children’s fees based on age.
      • Separates male children’s membership if they exceed 24 years old.
      • Calculates fees according to the Ministry of Youth and Sports instructions.
      • Calculates fines and late payment years.
      • Calculates the monetary value of the subscription and preserves membership.
      • Freezing and dropping membership processes.
  3. Member Data:

    • Enters member and family data, including all basic information and member and family photos.
    • Adds or removes a family member from within the program.
    • Changes membership type based on the primary member’s age, done annually.
    • Scans member photos using a scanner.
  4. Preparation of General Assembly and Elections Lists:

    • Review the financial status of those eligible to attend.
    • Review the financial status of candidates.
    • Prepares lists of those eligible to attend and vote.
  5. Annual Subscription Calculation:

    • Automatically done for all members at the beginning of the new year.
    • Done for a specific membership in case of additions or modifications.
  6. Treasury and Payment System:

    • Collects subscriptions according to the fees set by the membership system without any interference from the treasury program.
    • Allows printing receipts after payment on White paper or pre-printed paper.
    • Daily and periodic treasury balance reconciliation.
    • Possibility of transferring accounts to the Delta Accounting System.
  7. Membership Card Printing Program:

    • Allows printing on A4 paper and then laminating.
    • Allows printing on special card paper.
    • Retrieves data of paid members for year-end card issuance.
    • Selects a group of members for card printing directly after payment.
    • Allows reprinting cards as needed.
  8. Security Program:

    • Verifies the member’s identity through the system in case they don’t have their membership card, using:
      • Membership number.
      • Matching the person’s photo with the registered photo in the system.

System Characteristics:

  • Built on a Client/Server or Multi-tier Architecture basis.
  • Uses DataSnap technology for system elements’ interconnection.
  • Operates on a single personal computer or multiple computers connected to a local network or via the web.
  • Installation of the DFServer program and a client program for each subsystem or type of application on the server device, even if it’s a personal computer.
  • Client applications can be downloaded onto devices separate from the server, according to the client’s work environment.
  • Utilizes the latest available technologies in Development Tools, Databases (SQL or Oracle), Hardware, and Networks.
  • Provides user definition and authorization capabilities.
  • Offers advanced on-the-job training during design.
  • Enables multiple and varied methods for retrieving and accessing information quickly and accurately.
  • Ensures ease of instant inquiry into recorded data with any amount of information.
  • Maintains a high level of confidentiality and security on data through various measures, including user passwords and access control.

تتواجد شركة دلتا سوفت وير بالسوق المصري والمنطقة العربية وبعض الدول الأوروبية منذ عام 1980 وحتى اليوم، وخلال تلك الفترة الزمنية اكتسبت الشركة ثقة عملائها الذين تعدوا الآلاف سواء على المستوى المحلي أو الدولي وذلك نظرا لجودة الأنظمة الآلية التي قامت الشركة بتطويرها في القطاعات المختلفة وتغطي هذه الأنظمة المجالات التالية (إدارة الوارد المالية – إدارة الموارد البشرية – إدارة المنشآت التعليمية – إدارة النوادي – إدارة الفنادق ... إلخ). وقد حققت الأهداف التي يصبوا إليها العملاء هذا بالإضافة إلى احترافيه وجودة خدمات ما بعد البيع التي تضمن استمرار العملاء في التعامل مع التطبيقات لفترات زمنية طويلة. وتستخدم الشركة التقنيات الحديثة في تنفيذ برامجها من خلال التطوير المستمر لها. الفرصة الأخيرة قبل نهاية العام للتعاقد علي الأنظمة الاَلية في مجال (إدارة الموارد المالية , إدارة الموارد البشرية , إدارة النوادي , إدارة الفنادق , الفاتورة الإلكترونية & الإيصال الإلكتروني) بالأسعار القديمة سارع بالاتصال بالشركة للحصول علي ما تريده بالسعر الحالي قبل بداية العام الجديد